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Article 1 – Name

The name of this organization shall be, ‘Reformed Evangelistic Outreach’.


Article 2 – Basis

The basis of this organization is the infallible word, namely the Holy Bible, the Authorized (King James) Version as it is interpreted by the Reformed standards, (the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Canons of Dort and the Westminster Confession).


Article 3 – Mission Statement

Believing that ‘all have sinned and come short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3:23), and that ‘the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord’ (Romans 6:23), and that this eternal life is freely offered to all and may be obtained by faith in Christ Jesus worked by the Holy Spirit; and in obedience to our Lord’s command, ‘Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature’ (Mark 16:15); we endeavour to bring the gospel of salvation to lost sinners and to promote the Holy Bible as well as sound, biblical and Reformed literature as well as the strengthening of the faith of the people of God.


Article 4 – Purpose

As the occasion presents itself we hope to fulfill the mission statement by:

  • Organizing a booth at various exhibitions wherein we may set up a display of Bibles, books and stories pertaining to the Christian faith, all of which are to be sold at a minimal price or disbursed freely.
  • Distributing tracts dealing with the Word of God and articles dealing with the condition of the soul of man and the way of salvation.


Article 5 – Organizational Structure

This organization shall consist of an Executive Committee, Local Representative and General Members.

Executive Committee

  • The Executive Committee shall include: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and Purchaser.
    1. Terms of Office: All positions shall be for a three-year term and all positions shall be re-electable indefinitely, until those in office no longer wish to let their names stand.  In the event of a vacancy it shall be filled without undue delay by a majority vote to complete the term.
    2. Voting Schedule for the Executive Committee: The Chairman and the Treasurer shall be voted for in year one. The Vice-Chairman and the Recording Secretary shall be voted for in year two. The Corresponding Secretary and Purchaser shall be voted for in year three.  Voting shall take place at the annual general meeting and shall be done by secret ballot.
  • Responsible for organizing and preparing for the set-up of the display booth.
  • Responsible for organizing all materials to be sold or given away.
  • Responsible for seeking out local representatives and members from the different demographics for support of this organization.


Duties of the Chairman

The Chairman shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and general members.  The Chairman shall sign contracts and documents in writing that require his or her signature.  The Chairman shall also be responsible to the Executive Committee for all the affairs of the organization including: the calling of meetings as necessary throughout the year for the purpose of informing supporters, preparing and making available the meeting agenda, making policy decisions, and instruction of members.  The chairman shall ensure meetings are effective and efficient for the performance of governance work.


Duties of the Vice-Chairman

The Vice-Chairman shall be vested with all the powers and perform all the duties of the Chairman in the absence or inability or refusal of the Chairman.

Duties of the Recording Secretary

The Recording Secretary shall have the charge of all the minutes and documents.  The Recording Secretary shall have custody of all minute books, documents, registers and ensure that they are maintained. The Recording Secretary shall be given authority to sign such contracts and documents that require his or her signature.

Duties of the Corresponding Secretary

The Corresponding Secretary shall serve as a communication between the Executive Committee and the Members (Local and General).  Maintain a database of the associations members.  Send a report of the last plowing match to the denominational periodicals of the supporting churches.

Duties of the Treasurer

The Treasure shall have all the care and custody of the funds and shall keep full and accurate accounts of all assets, liabilities, receipts and disbursements in the books and shall deposit all monies in the charities bank. The treasurer shall disburse the funds as may be directed by proper authority, and shall render to the Executive Committee at the regular meeting of the Board an accurate account of all the accounting transactions and a statement of the financial position.  The treasurer shall also perform such other duties as may from time to time be directed by the Board.  The treasurer shall be given authority to sign contracts and documents in writing that require his or her signature.

Duties of the Purchaser

The Purchaser shall order and organize all material to be sold or given away.


Local Representatives

  • Attend meeting with the Executive Committee for the purpose of supplying and receiving information about the decisions of the Executive Committee, materials available, upcoming events, etc.
  • To inform supporters, in their local area, of the organization’s decisions, materials, upcoming events, need for funds, etc.
  • To find persons willing and suitable for this work in their local area.


General Members

  • To aid in the sales and distribution of Bibles, books and other material at various exhibitions.



Article 6 – Remuneration and Reimbursement of Expenses

This shall be a non-profit organization.  Its members shall not receive any income from the sale of materials or from donations received.  It shall be without the purpose of personal gain.  All monies shall be used to promote the aims of this organization.

Reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred in connection with assisting at the International Plowing Match will be considered, with approval from the Executive Committee (limited to mileage, accommodations and admission).  A proof of purchase receipt must accompany the reimbursement request.


Article 7 – Financial

This organization shall be supported by money received from the sales of materials and by donations.


Article 8 – Audit of Financial Records

An audit of the financial records shall be conducted yearly by one who is independent.  At the annual meeting there shall be reappointment or new appointment of the auditor or a person to conduct a review engagement for the coming year. Each financial statement item shall be tested to make reasonably sure the financial statements accurately reflect its financial position. The annual auditors report, together with the financial statements, shall be made available prior to the annual meeting for consideration and review.


Article 9 – Disclaimer

At the annual meeting held in April, 2010 it was approved to put the following disclaimer in books that do not quote from the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible.

At the present time we are unable get this book with Bible quotations from the Authorized (King James) Version. As you read this book you will find verses quoted from other translations of the Bible. The committee of Reformed Evangelistic Outreach would encourage you to compare these verses with the KJV to see if they have the same meaning or if they are altered. We believe that the KJV is the most accurate available translation translated by learned and godly men.


Article 10 – Dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of this organization, all existing funds and assets shall be distributed to the Trinitarian Bible Society (Canada).

No director or officer of the organization shall be liable for the acts, receipts, neglect or default of any other director or member or for any loss, damage or expenses happening to the organization.


Article 11 – Adoption and Amendment of Articles

Changes to this Constitution or the addition of an article must be approved by a majority of the votes cast.